How Resilient Are First-Line Nurse Managers?

The role of the front-line nurse managers is not only pressurised but is also becoming more complex and challenging. Resilience – the capacity to manage the everyday pressure of work and stay healthy, adapt to change and position for future challenges could be viewed as a pre-requisite for success in the job.  

 So how resilient is this work group? Carpio and his colleagues set out to investigate this using a sample of 48 first line unit managers across six hospitals in the Western United States.

Using the Resilience at Work Scale as the measure they explored how the nurses rated on the seven components of resilience.

 The results showed ‘living authentically” was the highest reported subscale of the R@W Scale with ‘maintaining perspective’, the lowest. This suggests that the nurses felt that their work was aligned with their strengths and values but that keeping a solution focus and staying optimistic was the biggest challenge. 

This study provides an interesting benchmark for this occupational group for USA. To read the original article and its findings go to:

Carpio, R. C., Castro, L. P., Huerto, H. M., Highfield, M. E., & Mendelson, S. (2018). Exploring Resilience at Work Among First-Line Nurse Managers. Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(10), 481-486.