Weathering the Storm

In Australia COVID19 has struck another blow and is causing stress and strain on all of us, to varying degrees. We send our best wishes to those who are sick and to the impacted families in such a worrying time. For those back in Stage 3 restrictions, take care and stay well.

The Weathering the Storm series was created back in March 2020 to support you all in managing uncertainty and turning adversity into advantage.

This series was created to share the skills learnt working in agriculture where managing uncertainty and weathering all sorts of storms is what we do.

By harnessing your personal power, you too can manage uncertainty well.

Inside this series there is a grab bag of tools and tricks that are useful for everyday life and for anyone in ‘leadership’.

Weathering the storm, using personal power to steer yourself and your community through uncertain times – a grab bag of tools and tricks – Part 1