Who Cares For The Carer?

Who Cares For The Carer?

We frequently have the privilege of coaching people who do extraordinary jobs that involve caring for others. While their clients are diverse and may be the aged, disabled, abused, vulnerable, traumatized or sick, the common thread is the importance of compassion and...
Why Do We Get Seduced By Quick Fixes?

Why Do We Get Seduced By Quick Fixes?

One of the areas of interest to me in my work is the number of fads and ‘one approach fits all’ solutions that we see in organisation development. Call me cynical, but I am often bemused and sometimes astounded, at how often old concepts are re-purposed, long-standing...
Leading Teams In Uncertainty

Leading Teams In Uncertainty

Eight  practices that help Working through uncertainty is all about fear – fear of the unknown.  While the unknown may not generally be an issue in our lives, and may even be exciting, it can be difficult when it involves our employment as this affects our livelihood....