Become Accredited

Why become accredited? 

To ensure quality delivery the R@W Toolkit is only available through our international network of accredited users. R@W Toolkit accreditation is open to psychologists, coaches, counsellors and experienced organisation development and human resource practitioners.

R@W Virtual Accreditation Flier

individual r@w scale accreditation

  • A comprehensive one-day workshop on the R@W Scale use and application, including feedback and coaching practice plus advice on facilitating workshops and organisation development initiatives in-house
  • Personal completion of the R@W Scale, with comprehensive report
  • E-versions of the materials required for scale use and promotion
  • An e-version copy of Coaching Guide: Building Resilience Using the R@W Scale
  • A copy of the book Building Your Resilience:  How to Thrive in a Challenging Job by Kathryn McEwen
  • Comprehensive workbook resources and reading.

Day 1 is available on-line

r@w leader and team accreditation

  • A comprehensive one-day workshop on the use and application of the R@W Team and R@W Leader
  • E-versions of the materials required for scale use and promotion
  • A copy of the book Building Team Resilience by Kathryn McEwen
  • An e-version copy of Coaching Guide: Building Team Resilience
  • Copies of workbooks for use in leader and team coaching.

The R@w Toolkit

The R@W Toolkit is a complementary suite of measures that aligns employee, leader and team behaviours at work to systemically build resilience.


For accrediation within the UK contact Paul Chudleigh.

Wider Europe

For accrediation in Europe contact Pierre Naquet.

North america

For accreditation within North America contact Catherine.

Other Regions

For accrediation in Australasia or anywhere else, contact our team. podcast

Find out more about the ways to apply resilience to your team and industry with some new resilience content.